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Florida's Ranking Among the 50 States

Poverty & Welfare:

In Case You Missed it:

Enron made significant political contributions to many Florida State Legislators in the last year. If you would like to see to who and how much, visit the Coalition's web site at:

Hats Off to:
Steve Graziani and Tom Griffith. Revitalizing Communities, a video profile of seven CDCs in Broward County, won the Best Documentary Feature award at the 2002 Made-In-Miami Film & Video Festival. Revitalizing Communities was sponsored by the South Florida Community Development Coalition, produced by Steve Graziani, directed by Thomas Griffith and made possible with funding from CitiBank, the Citigroup Foundation, Comerica Bank, Northern Trust Bank, and Chase Manhattan Bank. Also, the Graziani-Griffith production, Rope Art, won Best Dramatic Feature.
University of Miami Students who have pressured U of M administration to investigate adoption of a Living Wage policy for university staff and contracted personnel with an extensive petition campaign.